Adidas sure know how to keep their consumers on their toes (no pun intended). If they are not working on their collaborations with top pop culture influences, you can bet Adidas are locked away somewhere working on the latest offering for their customers. We are all aware of the recent climate change campaigns that have shown us how much damage we have been doing to the environment and with that in mind, Adidas have introduced a recyclable footwear range which will have a never-ending life-span.
Adidas have partnered with Parley for the Oceans (an organisation that addresses threats to the world’s seas) to create the ‘Futurecraft Loop’ model due for release in spring 2021. The shoe will be made from yarns and filaments from reclaimed marine plastic waste, all 100 percent recyclable materials. ‘Taking plastic waste out of the system is the first step, but we can’t stop there,’ executive board member at Adidas Eric Liedtke, explained in a statement. ‘What happens to your shoes after you’ve worn them out? You throw them away – except there is no away. There are only landfills and incinerators and ultimately an atmosphere choked with excess carbon or oceans filled with plastic waste. The next step is to end the concept of ‘waste’ entirely. Our dream is that you can keep wearing the same shoes over and over again.’
So, you will now be able to return your pair of trainers to Adidas who will then take the shoe apart and create a new one. This new model of trainers will certainly be different from your Adidas kicks which are made from at least 12 different materials including glue, polyester, rubber, synthetic fibres and foam. The German brand recruited Singer Willow Smith to explain how the cyclic process works in a campaign for the shoe.