
“Immortal” Malan Breton S/S 2021 A Virtual Fantasy… by DNABLOCK
“Wherever you go, shine” could be considered Malan Bretons mantra. One of fashion brightest lights in highlighting humanity, and diversity. This season Malan Breton partnered with Asia, Africa, Europe and American fashion weeks and media outlets. Malan Breton celebrated June’s Virtual Fashion Week with a global runway show from London. Historically in fashion, a new […]
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The 2020 Graduate Fashion Foundation Award Shortlist is Announced
Graduate Fashion Week are thrilled to share the nominees for the 2020 Graduate Fashion Foundation Awards, all of whom have overcome challenges to create innovative and exciting final year projects in what has been an unexpected end to their time at university. Below, check out the shortlisted graduates for 21 awards that cover each fashion […]
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Umutoni Thuku-Benzinge Helping Us Rediscover African Beauty Through Kaleidoscope Beauty
Umutoni Thuku-Benzinge is a young London based East African trailblazer, with a vision to create and sustain social impact in sub-saharan Africa through her brand Kaleidoscope Beauty. Kaleidoscope Beauty offers contemporary, hand-crafted, statement jewellery pieces in the form of chokers, necklaces, bracelets, cuffs, earrings all showcasing the beauty of Africa. The brand does not use […]
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A Fashion Quarantine Binge-Watch List
Next in Fashion New to 2020, Next in Fashion is a series on Netflix which is just ten episodes long making it the perfect must-have on your fashion binge-watch list. Watch as eighteen of the best designers from around the world (three from the UK) compete against each other in weekly set challenges to create […]
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Freshly Baked Goods Are Just What We Need Right Now. Thank You swanstreet.!
swanstreet. is an independent London based apparel clothing label that creates quality pieces for skaters, surfers, dreamers, artists, and everyone in-between. swanstreet. are authentic as they come as all of their clothes are designed and printed in the UK. swanstreet. talk to us more about their freshly baked goods that keep your wardrobe crisp and […]
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The Significant Importance of Fashion Design Students Like Lea Vrebac
Fashion students are the future of the fashion industry with their innovative ideas. Yet as they are blossoming into budding designers they are often overlooked until they become a big name. To their detriment, they do not have the backing of huge corporations investing in their work. However, this allows them to be more expressive […]
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The First-Ever LGBTQ Channel On Sky, OUTtv UK Launches With Brand Advance Behind It.
We recently saw the launch of OUTtv UK & Ireland, a LGBT channel dedicated to showcasing LGBTQ+ talent and content making it the first LGBT channel available on Sky. OUTtv is already available in other European countries and as is it arrives here in the UK we talk to Chirs Kenna CEO of Brand Advance, […]
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At Home With Apashe As He Uploads His Rennaisance Album Online
Apashe is renowned for putting his own cinematic twist on electronica, and the Belgian award-winning producer has seen his tracks feature in trailers for some of the biggest franchises in Hollywood, including Fast & Furious and John Wick, not to mention a substantial number of commercials for top brands, including Adidas, GoPro & Netflix. With […]
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What The Pitta – The Vegan Döner That Might Just Change Your Life
After a night out all most of want to do is find a kebab shop and grab that greasy kebab and hot chips with burger sauce and slight squirt of barbeque sauce. As you sink your teeth into that kebab and all those spices awaken your taste buds and take you to another place. The […]
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Nicholas Dex Talks Changing The Fashion Industry With ODF Clothing
Nicholas Amfo-Gyamera also known as Nicholas Dex, is the Founder of One Diverse Fashion (ODF Clothing) a unisex lifestyle fashion brand that specializes in sports luxe. Nicholas has been working tirelessly to ensure his brand ODF embraces diversity by pushing their ethos ‘standing in to stand out’. With the recent launch of ODF’s’ Active unisex […]
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