Brainchild of West London producer Santi Arribas and featuring various Gang of Four members including the recently passed Andy Gill, The Roadside Bandits Project plan to release their album later in the year’. ‘Sombre Circus’ featuring Nell Bryden is the first serving from the project and we have the pleasure of premiering the visuals right here on Demur.
Lyrically, Sombre Circus tells of the current state of the world, geopolitically and socially, referring to the refusal in recent years for the richer nations to accept refugees from countries hit by war and poverty. In the song’s opening verse the “fence” refers to Trump’s wall and what’s been happening at the borders of Mexico, Hungary and to a certain extent Brexit – anything that represents the closure of borders, while the “sergeant” represents the political class and the “devil” the oligarchs and big corporations – all in all a pretty “sombre circus”!