S.O.U.L (Screening Our Lives), the initiative that supports Britain’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic films and talent have announced their brand-new film festival, S.O.U.L Fest coming next month. The festival is designed to support the BAME film community and to widen networks in the industry.
Unlike their usual screenings Celebrate: Connect, held at the BFI in Southbank, S.O.U.L will be screening feature-length films with tickets available to the general public. They will also be screening a selection of short films at S.O.U.L. Fest and submissions for that program are open now closing on Friday 12th July. As S.O.U.L understand the costs independent filmmakers have to folk out when trying to break into the industry, submissions to the festival are completely FREE. So get to uploading now.

S.O.U.L aims to attract a creative and diverse crowd of people ranging from first time filmmakers to industry professionals, offering a creative environment for them to meet and connect. The two-day S.O.U.L. Fest celebration will take place on 30-31 August at the BFI Cinema in Southbank, showcasing British BAME talent to the world.
We applaud S.O.U.L for opening more doors and increase opportunities for British BAME talent creating a better industry for all of us.